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12 10 12 Fairy God Mother's Castle Perch

The Fairy Godmother’s Castle Perch – Joanie Eddis-Koch

This Castle is ever the chameleon, changing her colors and even her facades thanks to high tech lighting systems employed by Walt Disney World. This shot provides us with an up close perspective of just how detailed and specific the application of this lighting system is. From this balcony, the Fairy Godmother tends to her business, under the direction of Cinderella and with the assistance of Mickey Mouse and “lights” the Castle each evening during the Christmas season.

This was shot with a Nikon D4 using a tripod at 1/25 of a second, f 6.3, and ISO at 4500, matrix metering. A 24-70mm lens was set at 24mm. The raw file was processed in Camera Raw for further adjustments in color, clarity, highlights and vibrance.
